
Free Access To Websites Without Registering

Free Access To Websites Without Registering

Go to


and type the URL of the website you want to log into.

-, -

Another (and better) way is changing the user agent of your browser to:


This is very easy in Mozilla's Firefox. Download and install the User Agent Switcher from

and add the Googlebot user agent.

Have fun, Dead Dreamer!

-]Edit[- Now this kicks ass, was just browsing entire forum without even needing to login to view restricted areas, and it works on other sites
And no, you cant access the hidden forums either, already tried that

Formatting An Hdd, when fdisk won't

Formatting An Hdd, when fdisk won't

 This was originally posted by andro11meda in Hardware and Networking Support. It worked so well for me on a problem-computer that I was working on that I had to post it in tutorials. Thanks andro11meda!!

This is my favorite way to wipe it clean:

CAUTION: This debug script is for advanced users only. Its Purpose is to remove all formatting and partitioning information from your hard disk when FDISK is unable to do so. THIS WILL REMOVE ALL DATA AND PROGRAMS FORM THE DRIVE.

1. Create a MSDOS bood disk with Debug

2. At DOS command prompt type the following: Debug[Enter] (Where enter is to press the enter key once)

NOTE: Type the following bolded text only. You will recieve an error if you type anything other than the bold text. The non-bolded text represents what will appear on you screen once you press [Enter] after each command.

-F 200 L1000 0 [Enter]
-A CS:100 [Enter]
xxxx:0100 MOV AX,301 [Enter]
xxxx:0103 MOV BX,200 [Enter]
xxxx:0106 MOV CX,1 [Enter]
xxxx:0109 MOV DX,80 [Enter]

NOTE: ( --- "80" for hd0, "81" for hd1)

xxxx:010c INT 13 [Enter]
xxxx: 010e INT 20 [Enter]
xxxx: 0110 [Enter]

-G [Enter]
"Program terminated normally"

3. Turn off the computer. On the next startup the hard drive will need to be partitioned and formatted.

FlashGet v1.4 - More Download Simultaneously

FlashGet v1.4 - More Download Simultaneously


Tutorial Objective

This tutorial guides the user how he/she is able to specify more files download at the same time from the FlashGet Option setting.

Tutorial Introduction & Background & Fact

Pre-requistes Tools

* FlashGet v1.4

Terminology & Explanation


This tutorial requires you to modify the registry; therefore, backup your registry before you start to implement what this tutorial says.


Start "regedit" and go to

open "General"

right-click with your mouse into the right window
and create a new "DWORD" value

name new value "MaxSimJobs"

now doubleclick "MaxSimJobs" ,chose "dezimal" and
enter a new value "100"

press "return" and close registry-editor

In Flashget/tools/ options you can now set max.downloads to 100
instead of 8.


* It allows the user to have more files to download simultaneously by using FlashGet v1.4 download manager.

Additional Information


Search Keyword

FlashGet multiple download simultaneously simultaneous